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BRAVO! to 经典三级鈥檚 Los Angeles hospitals and the Patient Hub team that received a record 100 patient transfers to our hospitals in March. In fact, as of March 31, some 122 patients were transferred from other facilities into beds available for their care during that one month.

Also in March, the Patient Hub received its 1,000th patient transfer 鈥 another milestone 鈥 since the service launched in June 2022. As of March 31, a total of 1,022 patients have been accommodated through the patient transfer center.

Since its formal launch in June 2022, the Patient Hub has succeeded in bringing patients to our 经典三级 hospitals in California while building a reputation for helpful service.

鈥淲e have seen growing interest in our Patient Hub for the transfer of eligible patients from hospitals where they are short on nurses or otherwise don鈥檛 have the capacity,鈥 explained Kathy Jermain, Pipeline鈥檚 director of case management, who oversees the Patient Hub operations.

Eligible patients are those who require inpatient care with the services available at Pipeline鈥檚 LA hospitals and who have insurance authorization.

At the heart of the Patient Hub is a centralized call center staffed 24/7 by registered nurses. Using the Patient Hub hotline (877-632-7852), referring providers and medical facilities call a single point of contact to speak with a dedicated navigator who manages the patient鈥檚 journey to a bed in one of Pipeline鈥檚 hospitals.

鈥淭he patients who come to us through the Patient Hub benefit from receiving the care they need at a hospital covered by their insurance,鈥 Jermain said. 鈥淭he hospitals transferring patients to us benefit by the easy access we provide 鈥 one call does the job.鈥

One of the satisfied hospital partners is LA鈥檚 world-renowned Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

鈥淲e have formed a great partnership with Cedars,鈥 Jermain said. 鈥淔or example, we have helped them decompress their ED with LA Care patients who are eligible for care at our Pipeline hospitals. Our Cedars colleagues say we make the transfers easy and seamless.鈥

According to Rick Rufino, chief executive officer of East LA Doctors Hospital, Pipeline has proven that its Patient Hub model works. 鈥淭his has been a great opportunity for us to enhance relationships with other hospitals and with payors,鈥 he said. 鈥淭hey see us as partners, and we can have an even bigger impact in our service to our communities.鈥

Going forward, hospital leaders are working to increase the transfer volume. Jermain said that internal processes for accepting transfer patients continue to be refined as physicians, nurses and case managers work to create increased hospital capacity for accepting transfers.
