
As 经典三级 continues to prioritize recruitment of nurses and ancillary staff, a new welcome mat has rolled out for new hires.

In the first phase of a revamped orientation program for new employees, a new video sets the tone for the day to welcome the audience to 经典三级. The day鈥檚 agenda continues with updated presentations on various topics focusing on what matters at Pipeline. The presentations are offered by subject matter experts from across the company.

鈥淎t 经典三级 and at all of our hospitals, we want our new employees to know that quality matters, the patient experience matters, and they matter–to name three of the topics covered,鈥 explained Ciara Gutierrez, director of human resources for the Los Angeles market and host of the twice-monthly orientation sessions.

鈥淪ome of the content is required by regulatory bodies, and some of the content is provided as a means of learning about their new employer,鈥 she added. 鈥淲e needed a more dynamic program to welcome our employees and engage them, and we have achieved that.鈥

The rollout of the new orientation program Jan. 8 brought positive reviews from participants.

Several of the 40 new hires who returned their evaluation forms at the end of the virtual program rated the value of the program at 5 鈥 very valuable. Among their comments:

  • 鈥淭he team made us feel welcome.鈥
  • 鈥淚t had a brief, concise, relevant set of information. Great allocation of breaks; no idle moments between presenters.鈥
  • 鈥淭he session promotes communication and makes us new employees feel welcomed, supported, comfortable and able to interact easily.鈥
  • 鈥淚t was effective orientation on effective communication, comprehensive training modules, and a well-organized introduction to hospital policies and safety.鈥
  • 鈥淭his session was very informative, and the presenters were thorough with their individual parts of the orientation. The session was organized, and it served as a good guide and warm welcome to all the new employees.鈥

A new addition to the program provides an overview of Pipeline and its history. One attendee commented that the history of the company was interesting because 鈥淧ipeline focuses on growing within their community.鈥

The session on quality and risk management also was cited as a favorite 鈥渂ecause patient safety and wellness are most important in healthcare.鈥

Another new employee commented, 鈥淭his allows new hires to get familiar with necessary information which helps the transition in their roles and responsibilities and in reducing errors.鈥

Pipeline CEO Robert Allen鈥檚 brief appearance also was well-received as he personally welcomed the newest employees on board.

The new video features a cast of employees from all four hospitals who provide their own words of welcome while sharing information about Pipeline and its hospitals. The short video is available for viewing on this link: .

Plans are underway to transition the new employee orientation session from a virtual program to an in-person meeting this spring, affording enhanced opportunities for engagement.
