
VIP Guests Tour Hospitals

The lunchtime feast served at Coast Plaza included (left to right): hospital CNO Downapha Britton; Saunders; Mohan Lal; emergency medicine physician Dr. Ricky Bush; Pipeline CMO Dr. Vince Green; hospital CEO Patrick Rafferty; and Controller Gerardo Paras.

经典三级鈥檚 newest board member, Dr. Ninfa Saunders, and her guest, healthcare consultant Tarun Mohan Lal, visited three of Pipeline鈥檚 hospitals last month. Community Hospital of Huntington Park was unable to host the visitors due to a site survey in progress.

The visit to Coast Plaza Hospital included a special feast served at lunchtime Sept. 19. The menu featured lechon 鈥 a roasted pig associated with the Filipino culture. The dish is a favorite among Coast Plaza employees and Saunders, who is from The Phillipines.

鈥淚 thoroughly enjoyed everyone鈥檚 warm welcome and the feast,鈥 Saunders said. 鈥淭hat was a 5- star restaurant menu and everything was just to die for!

鈥淲hat I found most heart-warming is to see and feel the pride, the passion and the mission- centered orientation of everyone 鈥o a person at the Pipeline hospitals.鈥

The chief executive officers and chief nursing officers at Coast Plaza, Memorial Hospital of Gardena and East Los Angeles Doctors Hospital toured the visitors through key areas of the hospital and allowed time for interaction with staff and physicians.
